About Me

Hi there! I’m a San Francisco-based designer and technologist with a passion for mixed-reality experiences bringing together games, real-world data, interactive narrative, maps, public space and theater.
I design and produce live experiences. I'm the founder of First Person Travel, a first-of-its-kind immersive narrative travel agency. Our flagship trip, The Headlands Gamble, is an all-inclusive weekend trip to Marin that the New York Times called "Like being the detective in Twin Peaks". I also organized a city-wide rendition of the cult sci-fi classic Logan's Run.
I'm a community organizer. I started and ran the Adventure Design Group, a local speaker series for immersive experience designers, for six years. I cofounded the Immersive Design Summit, which in 2018 and 2019 brought together premiere immersive creators worldwide. I'm now the programming chair of the HERE Summit and Festival, the follow-up to IDS.
And I've had a long career as an engineer. I've been building systems on AWS since it launched. I got involved in the healthcare.gov fix, helped found the first public-benefit software contractor to the federal government, and spent four years building modern web infrastructure for federal social safety net programs like Medicare and the Veterans Administration. I've built infrastructure for machine learning tooling at Weights & Biases as one of the first engineers, and built a location-based games platform for The Go Game powering real-world games for tens of thousands of players every year.