Scenic Route (2009)
Because getting there should be half the fun! Scenic Route builds dynamic walking tours from wherever you are to wherever you’re going.

Many people are too busy for organized guided tours, and others don’t want to buy and lug around a thick travel guide just for a short business or family trip. And yet, most people still want to discover and learn about the cities they visit and inhabit. Scenic Route helps these individuals get more out of travel, on their own schedule.
SF Chronicle: Streets give up secrets on Scenic Route app
Scenic Route is a mobile website that builds customized routes for urban walks. Given your destination and a time allowance, Scenic Route builds a meandering walking route to that destination, filling the available time with stops along the way. Each stop reveals a hidden surprise about the city: a short message left by a user or verified guide. At the end of your walk, you’ve explored new streets and uncovered a unique set of local knowledge through a fun, spontaneous activity that fits into the available moments of your day.