Pretweeting (2009)
A market game for twitter words: buy infrequently mentioned words and sell them for a (virtual) profit!

Pretweeting is a market game for twitter: you amass (virtual) riches every round by buying and selling words, which are priced based on how frequently they’re mentioned on twitter. To win, you have to predict what’s going to be hot and buy it up before it hits twitter. Once people start mentioning the words you’ve chosen, their prices will rise and your portfolio will go through the roof!

There’s a whole ecosystem of different words. The English top 100 words (“the”, “and”, “or”, etc.) are the blue chip stocks of the twittersphere. Some words, like “dinner”, “#followfriday”, and “sleep”, have very predictable cycles. But you’ll need to follow current events to really know when the best picks, topical words like “ipod” or “lakers”, will hit it big.
@louroboros: i love this so much. #pretweeting
@bdougher I want to buy shares of ‘pretweeting’, it’s gonna be huge! #pretweeting
IndieGamesBlog Browser Game Pick: Pretweeting
Mashable: Pretweeting gets a prediction market
Technology Reviews: Pretweeting- Virtual Twitter Stock Market
OnlyGizmos: Pretweeting is the new trend
WATBlog: Enough of tweeting and retweeting: it’s time for pretweeting!
TechCrunch: Can You Predict Twitter Trends? Use Your Skills For Virtual Cash With Pretweeting Spéculez sur la fréquence des mots avec Pretweeting pour Twitter