The Headlands Gamble (2015-2019)
An immersive mystery weekend trip for two, told through meetings with actors, physical artifacts, calls and texts, and a custom convertible with a digital tablet interface.

The Headlands Gamble is an extraordinary weekend trip for two with a thrilling storyline woven through it. You and a partner will be the detectives in an immersive mystery story set amidst some of the most beautiful locations in the North Bay.
You’ll drive from location to location in a custom car, meeting characters, unearthing clues and following leads while experiencing all that Marin County has to offer.
An interactive game dashboard digitally augments the experience, guiding you to make the most of your weekend and together lead the story to its climactic conclusion.

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- New York Times: ”Why hasn’t travel been disrupted like this before? The intersection of theater and technology felt refreshingly new and inventive.”
- Bloomberg Pursuits: “Think David Fincher’s The Game, with less danger and more wine.”
- Quartz: No planning required: a $2,500 romantic weekend adventure guided by an iPad
- NYTimes Style Magazine: A Romantic Weekend for Two: Solving a Crime
- Covered in the StoryForward Podcast
- Covered in the Wall Street Journal
- Per La Menta: "First Person Travel combines the novelty of exploring a tourist destination with the most exciting parts of immersive experiences"
- Enjoy Mill Valley: "The Headlands Gamble Is the Immersive Game of the Moment, with Marin as Its Star"